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A New Challenge

Updated: Aug 11, 2020

Due to their commitment to a full school year martial arts program, as well as consistent good behavior at home and in their regular academic classes, some students have been invited to take on this additional challenge. They’ve stayed late and come to extra practices in order to prepare.

“It’s great to see their improvement in self discipline and effort due to their Tae Kwon Do classes, and now they have better self control and listening skills at school,” said Instructor Michael Humphrey, a second degree black belt. “With sparring, they see how all the fundamental blocks and kicks can be applied. Plus, they’re learning how to work with partners and the importance of focus and good sportsmanship.”

Our participants all practice martial arts at their individual elementary and middle schools, and after school programs as part of our a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, which brings the many physical, mental, and social benefits of martial arts to children and families in Milwaukee who would otherwise be unable to participate. Students are invited to take part in the tournament at no cost to their families.

“We’re focusing now on full year programs in order to give the children more consistency and have a more lasting impact,” explained Mr. Jeff Gendelman, co-founder and CYMAP board president. “Continuous training also opens up competitive opportunities. Not only does CYMAP help build confidence and provide positive role models, but another one of our goals is to offer employment avenues for our students to become staff members and black belt instructors.”

CYMAP classes emphasize respect, focus, goal setting, fitness, and practical self defense. Over 1000 Milwaukee city youth have benefited through short and long term programs.

The Great Midwest Championship Tournament will be held at Brookfield East High School, 3305 Lilly Rd., Brookfield, WI 53005 on Saturday, April 29, 2017. Spectator tickets available at the door. Black belt competition is in the morning beginning at 8:30 AM. CYMAP competitors will participate in the demonstration at noon, followed by color belt forms, breaking, and sparring events between 12:30 PM and 3:30 PM.

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